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Bringing Organisations Together

Before working in general practice, Dee worked in the VCSE, social care and local authority sectors. This gives her a unique perspective and ability to bring representatives from across such diverse sectors together to achieve a common goal.


From co-designing patient data sharing forms with VCSE groups to enable patients to share information directly with practices to encouraging Primary Care Networks (PCNs) to contract directly with VCSE provider alliances to deliver social prescribing services, Dee remains a strong advocate of the benefits of practices and PCNs working in genuine partnership with VCSE groups as well as private business leaders.

In 2021 Dee worked with VCSE clients who needed support to build on an unsuccessful bid that they had submitted for Lottery funding. Using her contacts across multiple organisations (and sectors!) and infectious enthusiasm for bringing people together who would not usually meet, Dee came up with the concept of SeeCHANGE - a unique co-production project to help reduce health inequalities in Scarborough. Dee then created and led an innovative consortium of senior health and social care managers, local authority and public health representatives together with private business leaders to reshape and strengthen their Lottery bid. In 2022, the group successfully secured £500k lottery funding.

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