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Supporting Practice Managers

As an ex Practice Manager herself (albeit a very long time ago), Dee has a genuine appreciation of the challenges of the role. In 2020 she worked with YORLMC to design and lead a project called “All About You”which used the HSE stress indicator toolkit to assess the health and wellbeing of Practice Managers across three neighbouring CCG areas in York and North Yorkshire and find out what changes they would like to see. 80% of all Practice Managers completed the survey (28 people) providing clear information about what life was like for Practice Managers at the start of the pandemic. Dee then brought together Practice Managers, Partners and senior CCG staff to address key findings that this in-depth survey revealed.

As a result of the success of “All About You”, YORLMC asked Dee to help design and lead a second project called “Time for Us”. Dee brought Practice Managers and Partners together with YORLMC to co-design an annual appraisal format for use with Practice Managers. An online training session for partners was also created to support partners in its use.


To support regional Practice Managers and encourage the next generation of Practice Managers further, in 2021 Dee worked with Practice Managers and Deputy Practice Managers to help them set up The Network and create a small management team to run it.​

In 2022, Dee qualified as an interpersonal mediation practitioner.

Dee founded The trustedGRAPEVINE in February 2025.

Darren Dalzell - Chair, The Network

Dee understands the pressures on Practice Managers and is passionate about getting our expertise and professionalism recognised.


In just two months Dee encouraged 67 non-clinical managers to join The Network, persuaded 17 PCN Clinical Directors across two CCG areas to co-fund us, secured speakers for our first Masterclass series and introduced us to a legal firm who are now a corporate sponsor providing more funding for us and support in kind for PCNs. 


Without Dee I’m not sure we would have got such a big group together so quickly so a big thank you to Dee for helping us get off the ground. The Network's been something positive in what has been a really challenging year for us all.

We let our clients do the talking for us

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